Laboratory for Biophysics, Institute of Physics Belgrade


December 13th, 2024.

Our paper is accepted for publication:

  • Aleksa Denčevski, Jovana Jelić, Ana Senkić, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Mihailo D. Rabasović:
    "Development of Structured Illumination Microscope Using Transmission Diffraction Grating Obtained by Analog Microfilming Method"
    Microsc Res Tech,

  • Congratulations to Aleksa Denčevski and co-authors!

    December 10th, 2024.

    The BioPhysLab seminar "Nagging cells to death" was held by Prof. Andrew H.A. Clayton, Academic Director for Research Training, School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

    November 7th, 2024.

    Our paper is accepted for publication:

    1. Mihajlo D. Radmilović, Vesna Lj. Ilić, Dušan Vučetić, Drenka Trivanović, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Ivana T. Drvenica:
      "Light on abnormal red blood cell subpopulations: label-free optics-based approach for studying in vitro rigidified blood cells"
      Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
    Congratulations Mihajlo R. Radmilović and co-authors!

    October 18th, 2024.

    The BioPhysLab seminar "Femtosecond Time-Domain Detection: a new Avenue for compact sensors" was held by Prof. dr. Michael Gensch, Professor for "Terahertz and Laser Spectroscopy" at the Institute of Optics and Atomic Physics (IOAP) of the Technischen Universität Berlin & Head of the department "Terahertz- and Laser Spectroscopy" at the DLR (German Aerospace Center) Institute of Optical Sensor Systems.

    September 20th, 2024.

    Student Lena Dalifoski has successfully defended her Master thesis in applied physics at the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The work was done in the Laboratory for Biophysics, Institute of Physics Belgrade, under supervision of Dr. Mihailo Rabasović.

    The title of the thesis is "Characterization And Automatization Of Dual Laser Diode Excitation System In A Fluorescence Correlation Microscope".

    We congratulate Lena!

    September 9th, 2024.

    The collaborator Tanja Pajić, graduate biologist (doctoral studies: Biophotonics), successfully defended her doctoral dissertation "Application of advanced techniques of nonlinear optical microscopy in vivo for the physiological study of filamentous fungi" (in Serbian: "Primena savremenih tehnika nelinearne optičke mikroskopije in vivo na proučavanje fiziologije končastih gljiva") at the Multidisciplinary Studies at the University of Belgrade.

    Dr. Mihailo Rabasović, Senior Research Associate, Institute of Physics Belgrade
    Prof. Dr. Miroslav Živić, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade

    The Committee:
    1. Dr. Nataša Todorović, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković"
    2. Dr. Marina Stanić, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research
    3. Dr. Nataša Nestorović, Principal Research Fellow, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković"
    4. Dr. Aleksandar Krmpot, Principal Research Fellow, Institute of Physics Belgrade

    More info can be read here (in Serbian).

    We congratulate Tanja and wish her all success in future scientific work!

    June 7th, 2024.

    members Jovana Jelić and Aleksa Denčevski presented their work in the video report produced by Institute of Physics Belgrade. They discussed about new methods of microscopy that were developed in recent years in the Laboratory for Biophysics and used for studying biological samples on different scales. You can read and watch it here (in Serbian).

    April 7th, 2024.

    After several years of research, the results on laser nanosurgery on fungal cells (hyphae), that enables patch clamp measurements, are published in prestigious journal Microsystems & Nanoengeneering:

  • Tanja Pajić, Katarina Stevanović, Nataša V. Todorović, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Miroslav Živić, Svetlana Savić-Šević, Steva M. Lević, Marina Stanić, Dejan Pantelić, Brana Jelenković, Mihailo D. Rabasović:
    "In vivo femtosecond laser nanosurgery of the cell wall enabling patch-clamp measurements on filamentous fungi"
    Microsystems & Nanoengineering 10, 47 (2024), doi: 10.1038/s41378-024-00664-x

  • Congratulations to Tanja Pajić and co-authors!

    December 25th, 2023.

    member Aleksa Denčevski is a seminar leader in Petnica science center. You can read more information here (in Serbian).

    November 3rd, 2023.

    members at Radio Television of Serbia! In this TV report they discussed how laser nanosurgery could significantly contribute to the protection of the environment from harmful chemicals used in agriculture to combat pathogenic fungi. You can read and watch it here (in Serbian).

    October 19th, 2023.

    members at Radio Television of Serbia! In this TV report they discussed how lasers could replace standard methods of testing blood samples. You can read and watch it here (in Serbian).

    August 24th, 2023.

    The BioPhysFUN workshop on advanced biophysical methods for soil targeted fungi-based biocontrol agents will be held on August 31st 2023. as a join event of the IX International School and Conference on Photonics - PHOTONICA 2023 (August 28 - September 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia). The participants of the BioPhysFUN project will present their work and results achieved so far.

    July 20th, 2023.

    The webpage about our new project "Advanced Biophysical Methods for Soil Targeted Fungi-Based Biocontrol Agents" (with an acronym "BioPhysFUN"), funded by the Science Fund of Republic of Serbia, is posted here.

    June 8th, 2023.

    Our paper is accepted for publication:

    1. Mihajlo D. Radmilović, Ivana T. Drvenica, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Vesna Lj. Ilić, Danica Pavlović, Sho Oasa, Vladana Vukojević, Mina Perić, Stanko N. Nikolić, Aleksandar J. Krmpot:
      "Interactions of ultrashort laser pulses with hemoglobin: Photophysical aspects and potential applications"
      International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125312
    Congratulations Mihajlo R. Radmilović and co-authors!

    April 21st, 2023.

    Our PhD student, Aleksa Denčevski, won the second prize at the 10th contest of the TechMasterEvent portal "Project on time" for presenting his project "Navigating the World of Weak Signals". With this work, Aleksa presented how to synchronize a laser diode and a sensitive camera for a high-quality and fast recording of sensitive samples.
    Congratulations Aleksa!

    April 7th, 2023.

    New project is granted by Science Fund of Republic of Serbia!
    Program: Green Program of Cooperation between Science and Industry (Serbian, English)
    Project title: Advanced Biophysical Methods for Soil Targeted Fungi-Based Biocontrol Agents
    Acronym: BioPhysFUN
    Budget: 186,147.16 EUR
    Duration: 2 years
    IPB (BioPhysLab@IPB): Jovana Jelić, Marta Bukumira, Mihajlo Radmilović, Aleksandar Krmpot
    IBISS: Nataša Todorović
    FBUB: Tanja Pajić, Katarina Stevanović, Jovana Lukičić, Tijana Cvetić Antić, Miroslav Živić, Kristina Atlagić

    January 27th, 2023.

    Our PhD student, Jovana Jelić, won the first prize for presenting her project "In the Tiny World of Starch Grains". Jovana presented a precise system that enables the interactive positioning of specimens during observation under different microscopes (including any commercial microscopic system). The mechanical stage is made of two linear translational stages connected to stepper motors, providing XY translation of specimens. The entire system is controlled using an Arduino microcontroller. Unhindered manipulation and movement of samples in different conditions and at any time are enabled by using the joystick.
    Jovana presented her project with a short video that you can watch at:
    The details of the project can be found here.
    Congratulations Jovana!

    December 5th, 2022.

    We are glad to announce that Ms. Miljana Piljević is a new member of Laboratory for Biophysics.

    October 1st, 2022.

    Our two papers are accepted for publication:

    1. Tanja Pajić, Nataša V. Todorović, Miroslav Živić, Stanko N. Nikolić, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Andrew H. A. Clayton, Aleksandar J. Krmpot:
      "Label-free third harmonic generation imaging and quantification of lipid droplets in live filamentous fungi"
      Scientific Reports
      You can download the manuscript here.

    2. Tijana Stamenković, Nadežda Radmilović, Marija Prekajski-Ðorđević, Mihailo Rabasović, Ivana Dinić, Miloš Tomić, Lidija Mančić, Vesna Lojpur:
      "Structure and quantum yield of up-conversion SrGd2O4:Yb,Er nanoparticles obtained via sol-gel assisted combustion"
      Journal of Luminescence

    October 15th, 2022.

    Two new project proposals to the Science Fund are submitted by the lab members: one for the Green Program of Cooperation between Science and Industry, and one to the Program PRISMA. The calls are closed and we are expecting the results of the evaluation.

    October 15th, 2022.

    Our laboratory member, Mihajlo Radmilović, visited Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, from August 1st until October 15th 2022, sponsored by the Students trainings program. He has been working with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladana Vukojevic and her collaborators on various tasks in the fields of the fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and confocal imaging.

    October 14th, 2022.

    Our PhD student, Aleksa Denčevski, won the first prize for presenting his project "Power of 3D printing in Science". With this project, Aleksa presented the diffraction grating rotation system that will be an important part of the Structured Illumination Microscope (SIM) being developed in our laboratory. He presented a combination of 3D printing and electronics that can be successfully used in different microscopy systems.
    Aleksa presented his project with a short video that you can watch at:
    The details of the project are on the page of the competition organizer:

    September 16th, 2022.

    Two students, Isidora Vlaović and Damir Mitić, have successfully defended their Master theses in applied physics at the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Their work was done in Laboratory for Biophysics, Institute of Physics Belgrade, under supervision of Laboratory's members/collaborators.

    The titles of theses are:

    • Isidora Vlaović: "Nonlinear microscopy and femtosecond laser - potentially new diagnostical and therapeutical tools in dental medicine"
    • Damir Mitić: "Development of software solutions for analysis of data obtained by the optical detection system for nonlinear microscopy".
    We congratulate Isidora and Damir!

    August 31st, 2022.

    The HEMMAGINERO project has been successfully accomplished and officially terminated. We thank the project team and all our collaborators for finishing all project's tasks and activities.

    September 28th, 2021.

    On September 27th and September 28th 2021, our three students: Jovana Jelić, Marta Bukumira, and Aleksa Denčevski have successfully defended their Master theses in applied physics at the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia. All their work was done in Laboratory for Biophysics, Institute of Physics Belgrade.

    The titles of theses are:

    • Jovana Jelić: "Development of experimental setup for detection of single molecules by using the Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy", supported by the Hemmaginero project, PROMIS call, funded by Science Fund of Republic of Serbia
    • Marta Bukumira: "Determination of spatial resolution limits in nonlinear laser scanning microscopy", supported by the Hemmaginero project, PROMIS call, funded by Science Fund of Republic of Serbia
    • Aleksa Denčevski: "Characterization and synchronization of the systems for excitation, operation, and detection in structured illumination microscope", supported by the Move For The Science project.
    We congratulate Jovana, Marta, and Aleksa!

    September 26th, 2021.

    The newspaper article "The laser will scan the blood: Our scientists are working on the development of modern techniques for better diagnosis of some diseases" is published in daily journal "Novosti". You can red the text here (in Serbian).

    September 16th, 2021.

    The new publication with HEMMAGINERO project in acknowledgement:

    Sho Oasa, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Stanko N. Nikolić, Andrew H. A. Clayton, Igor F. Tsigelny, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Lars Terenius, Rudolf Rigler, Vladana Vukojević:
    "Dynamic Cellular Cartography: Mapping the Local Determinants of Oligodendrocyte Transcription Factor 2 (OLIG2) Function in Live Cells Using Massively Parallel Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Integrated with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (mpFCS/FLIM)"
    Analytical Chemistry 93, 12011-12021 (2021), doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c02144

    September 15th, 2021.

    The HEMMAGINERO workshop on erythrocytes and hemoglobin imaging was successfully held on August 25th 2021. as a join event of the VIII International School and Conference on Photonics - PHOTONICA 2021 (August 23 - August 27, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia). The participants of the HEMMAGINERO project presented their work and results achieved so far. The photo gallery of HEMMAGINERO workshop is available here.

    August 18th, 2021.

    The HEMMAGINERO workshop on erythrocytes and hemoglobin imaging will be held on August 25th 2021. as a join event of the VIII International School and Conference on Photonics - PHOTONICA 2021 (August 23 - August 27, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia). The participants of the HEMMAGINERO project will present their work and results achieved so far.

    May 28th, 2021.

    The new publication with HEMMAGINERO project in acknowledgement:

    I. Drvenica, S. Mojsilović, A. Stančić, D. Marković, M. Kovačić, I. Maslovarić, I. Rapajić, D. Vučetić, V. Ilić:
    "The effects of incubation media on the assessment of the shape of human erythrocytes by flow cytometry: a contribution to mathematical data interpretation to enable wider application of the method"
    European Biophysics Journal (2021), doi: 10.1007/s00249-021-01527-3

    February 25th, 2021.

    HEMMAGINERO workshop on erythrocytes and hemoglobin imaging will be held as a joint event at VIII International School and Conference on Photonics - PHOTONICA 2021. The conference is scheduled to August 23 - August 27, 2021, in Belgrade, Serbia.

    February 8th, 2021.

    The first publication with HEMMAGINERO project in acknowledgement:

    D. P. Kepić, D. N. Kleut, Z. M. Marković, D. V. Bajuk-Bogdanović, V. B. Pavlović, A. J. Krmpot, M. M. Lekić, D. J. Jovanović, B. M. Todorović-Marković:
    "One-step preparation of gold nanoparticles - exfoliated graphene composite by gamma irradiation at low doses for photothermal therapy applications"
    Materials Characterization (in press), doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2021.110944

    The topic of the paper is indirectly related to the topic of the project, since the measurements are enabled by the equipmnet that is permanently improved and maintaned within the project (from the project budget and by the project personel).

    January 20th, 2021.

    Hemmaginero and members at Brainz TV!

    December 28th, 2020.

    We are proud to announce that our HEMMAGINERO team member, Dr Danica Pavlović, has received the National Fellowship within the Intenational program L'Oreal UNESCO "For Women In Science". More information (in Serbian) you can read here.