Laboratory for Biophysics, Institute of Physics Belgrade

Teaching & Dissemination

PhD studies in Biophotonics

The members of are engaged as lecturers at PhD studies in Biophotonics at University of Belgrade.

The following courses are held by our lab members:

Number of students performs their experimental activities for master and PhD theses in under supervision of our lab members and associates. If you are master or PhD student and you are interested to do your thesis in biophotonics, development and/or application of advanced microscopic techniques please do not hesitate to contact us.

More about microscopic techniques in our lab you can find here.

For student's experience, you can contact some of our students.

Lectures at other institutions and events

Mihailo Rabasović gave lectures on advanced imaging techniques at Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade at course "Biophysical Instrumentation" for master students in biophysics (course master prof. Miroslav Živić, associate of .

Stanko Nikolić is an active teacher in physics at Mathematical Grammar School in Belgrade. He was a teaching assistant (TA) of electromagnetism and optics at Texas A&M University at Qatar during summer semester in 2016.

Aleksandar Krmpot gave lectures in basic of microscope optics and lab trainings at course 2348 "Functional Fluorescence Microscopy Imaging (fFMI) in Biomedical Research" at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (2018, 2019 and 2020) (course master prof Vladana Vukojević). Our students and associates of Svetlana Jovanić, Sanja Despotović, Tanja Pajić and Katarina Stevanović attended this course and trainings at Karolinska Institute.

Aleksandar Krmpot gave lecture on nonlinear laser scanning microscopy at Hokkaido Summer Institute, Sapporo, Japan in 2019 at course "The Cell Biological Science Workshop" (course master prof. Masataka Kinjo). Our student, Svetlana Jovanić, attended this course in 2016.

Students in are always encouraged to attend the courses, summer schools and conferences in Serbia and abroad.


The members, associates and students of are always dedicated to the dissemination of the results and promotion in broad public.

In media

members Jovana Jelić and Aleksa Denčevski presented their work in the video report produced by Institute of Physics Belgrade. They discussed about new methods of microscopy that were developed in recent years in the Laboratory for Biophysics and used for studying biological samples on different scales. You can read and watch it here (in Serbian).

members at Radio Television of Serbia! In this TV report they discussed how lasers could replace standard methods of testing blood samples. You can read and watch it here (in Serbian).

Hemmaginero and members at Brainz TV!

Aleksandar Krmpot and Dejan Pantelić explain how the biological (chitinous) photonics structures can be used for documents security at TV N1.

Two short stories about HEMMAGINERO project, titled "Parcel in blood" and "Life under the laser light" are published (in Serbian).

The newspaper article "The laser will scan the blood: Our scientists are working on the development of modern techniques for better diagnosis of some diseases" is published in daily journal "Novosti". You can red the text here (in Serbian).