Laboratory for Biophysics, Institute of Physics Belgrade


Just granted project

Ceased projects

  • "Hemoglobin-based nano-spectral non-linear imaging for future label-free medical diagnostics"
    Slovenian - Serbian bilateral project
    Slovenian Research Agency and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development of Republic of Serbia, from 2020;
    Slovenian project leader Rok Podlipec, Serbian project leader Aleksandar Krmpot

  • "Набавка опреме за мерење квантног приноса флуоресцентних (био)маркера нове генерације који се користе у обележавању ћелија канцера и напредним микроскопским техникама"
    Филип Морис у Србији и Центар за развој лидерства, програм" #PokreniNauku; konkurs OPREMI. PRIMENI.
    Project leader Mihailo Rabasović

    Major equipment purchased:
    • Cooled CCD Based Fluorescence Spectrometer
    • Computer facility with CUDA parallel processing for SIM build up

  • "Минимално инвазивна, селективна аблација зубног каријеса фемтосекундним ласером"
    Филип Морис у Србији и Центар за развој лидерства program #PokreniNauku; konkurs #ISTRAŽIPROMENI;
    Project leader Tijana Lainović

    Major equipment purchased:
    • High NA physiological microscopic objective with long working distance Zeiss Apochromat 40x 1.0

  • "Briluan spektroskopija i nelinearna laserska skenirajuca mikroskopija – potencijalno novi dijagnosticki alati u stomatologiji"
    French - Serbian bilateral project Campus France with Institut Français Serbie and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, from 2020
    French project leader Thomas Dehoux, Serbian project leader Tijana Lainovic

  • "HEMMAGINERO - Hemoglobin-based spectroscopy and nonlinear imaging of erythrocytes and their membranes as emerging diagnostic tool"

    Science fund of the Republic of Serbia, No. 6066079, from 2020, call PROMIS;
    project leader Aleksandar Krmpot

    Major equipment:
    • High NA microscopic objective Zeiss Apochromat 40x 1.2 water immersion
    • Computer facility with CUDA parallel processing (Zeus Ryzen 5) for FCS build up
    • Inverted microscope (Zeiss AxioVert) for FCS build up
    • Photo Multiplier Tube for THG build up
    • Ektacytometer (RheoScan) - in Institute for Medical Research

  • "Imaging and time resolved spectroscopy of hemoglobin and red blood cells in THz, NIR and visible spectral regions for future biomedical application"
    German - Serbian bilateral project
    DAAD and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development of Republic of Serbia, from 2020;
    German project leader Rui Pan, Serbian project leader Aleksandar Krmpot

  • "Study of biological micro- and nano-structures in the visible, infrared and terahertz range"
    German - Serbian bilateral project
    DAAD and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, 2018-2020;
    German project leader Rui Pan, Serbian project leader Mihailo Rabasovic

  • "In situ diagnostics and optimization of the ultrashort laser pulses in nonlinear 3D bioimaging microscopy"
    German - Serbian bilateral project
    DAAD and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, 2016-2018;
    German project leader Nikola Stojanović, Serbian project leader Aleksandar Krmpot

  • "Laser microscope with fast circular scanning for the applications in biotechnology and medicine"
    Innovation project 165/2013
    Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, 2014-2015;
    project leader Aleksandar Krmpot
    Major equipment purchased:
    • High NA microscopic objective Zeiss Apochromat 40x 1.3 oil immersion
    • High NA microscopic objective Zeiss Apochromat 20x 0.8
    • Computer facility with CUDA parallel processing for TPEF, SHG and THG imaging